Dominic Moriarty Photography
Of Shadows and Light
Fine Arts photographer based in Edenderry, Ireland.
Dominic has always nurtured a keen interest in photography from 35mm film right through to current digital mediums.
His photography seeks to capture the ‘precious little things’ that so often get overlooked as we journey through life. The gems hidden in the cracks just waiting to be discovered.
We look with our eyes, but we ‘see’ with our souls. Everything is connected.
His work seeks to tease out the invisible strings that form these connections.
The majority of images are taken using semi-pro Canon equipment, although the technical aspects of his image making are often the least important. The more recent work is textured, layered and post-processed in Lightroom and Photoshop. All textures used are his original handmade creations.
All images displayed on this and related sites are copyrighted. Fine art prints are available for purchase through the webstore. If you wish to use any for stock photography purposes please contact dominicmoriartyphotography@gmail.com.
A broader range of images are available to view on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/woodwalker1/
Dominic is a contributing member of FineArtsAmerica, Getty Images, Art Click Ireland, VIDA Design, Golden Tree Gallery and Shutterstock.
Thanking you for your visit,
Dominic Moriarty 2016
© 2014 by Dominic Moriarty